Hi Jammers! I recently sent an email to AJHQ! I just sent it so I have not gotten feedback yet, but I will soon, hopefully!
The email was about Non-members' rights, and also, my ideas for a new game like Animal Jam they could create! Here is the exact email I sent:
I have two matters to confront, here is the first one; I do not know if it would be allowed or consented of you to tell me but, will spiked collars ever come back to the diamond shop? If so, will they possibly ever be in a non-member form? I was a non-member for a while, and I know how it is when your parental guardian either is not fit to be making payments of a game, or think its fatuous to spend money on a game. Either way, being a non-member includes feeling like your choices are minimized, members are treated better, and you can not wear what you desire. Then again, your company needs to make its profits, and I know you have to sell memberships and what better way, but to make membership look luxurious. Still, it is an understanding that some families can not do it, which is very unfortunate. So at least, can some items be non-member that do not look,-not to be offensive- rather distasteful?

I have two matters to confront, here is the first one; I do not know if it would be allowed or consented of you to tell me but, will spiked collars ever come back to the diamond shop? If so, will they possibly ever be in a non-member form? I was a non-member for a while, and I know how it is when your parental guardian either is not fit to be making payments of a game, or think its fatuous to spend money on a game. Either way, being a non-member includes feeling like your choices are minimized, members are treated better, and you can not wear what you desire. Then again, your company needs to make its profits, and I know you have to sell memberships and what better way, but to make membership look luxurious. Still, it is an understanding that some families can not do it, which is very unfortunate. So at least, can some items be non-member that do not look,-not to be offensive- rather distasteful?
Here is my second question: Will Smartbomb Interactive make anymore games such as animal jam? Animal Jam was a great idea of Smartbomb Interactive and National Geographic Kids', and I think it would be awesome if there was another virtual game. I have sort of an idea of something I would be interested in, here are some bullet points:
- There will be humans, animals, OR fairies players can turn into instead on Animal Jam's animals.
- Different games, where you can earn coins, and then on special missions of slaying monsters (monsters is just a rough idea) you can get other special times of diamonds possibly.
- The chat system will be like Animal Jam's
- You can chat with friends, but NO trading please.. We can't have another game FULL of scammers!
- The point of the game will be like animal jam's; the players protect the game from the harmful creatures, but can have fun with their friends.
- also, all through the game there will be possibly levels: and at the end of each level you can take a test about things you learn along the way through that level.
- The things you learn could be different historical events! History is my favorite class! (again, just an idea)
- But here is the thing: At first you can just beta test it like you did with Animal Jam in 2010. At first there will just be myths of the monsters that took down the empire that all of the players live in.. (Empire is just possible different things.)
- on each level, you will learn about different events in history, and the level will be based in that place the event took place in! For example: You are learning about Siddhartha Gautama or the religion Buddhism, so the level will be in India.
- Also, the game should probably not be for really young players. If you are learning about ancient religions or whatever, it should be more of a possibly.. 9 and up or something.
- Also, so you can make profits, members can have more clothing choices, can change color, and can unlock special missions that non-members cant! Things like that.
Please respond what you think AJ HQ! Sorry it is kind of long!
Sincerely a Happy Jammer,
Like it? :D I was thinking the name could be 'Time Travel' and all the players would be called 'Travelers'instead of Animal Jam's Jammers. xD This is just a weird idea! Sorry about the history learning idea, but it needs to have benefits to the players and SmartBomb Interactive. :P

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